Sunday 8 November 2009

Update on progress

So been rather busy of late and haven't got round to updating the blog so thought with a few spare minutes I'd give you an update on progress in all 3 of the modules.

Console Development has now seen us finish the MIPS assembly tutorial tasks and now next week will be moving onto looking at the PSP Dev kits which really excites me, I look forward to getting my hands on one and getting to see how a piece of professional development hardware used in industry function and being able to use it. MIPS was quite enjoyable getting to understand better how things happen at a low level architecture but towards the end the programs we were writing became rather tedious to write and I look forward to having the compiler back to use !

Game Dev Tech has seen the continued development of my Famous Five conversion of the unreal engine, its starting to come together and I have some of the key components of my game done now. I have plans of how to put most of the game together now as I'm slowly getting a better grip of the script system so can see how it all fits together. Over the next couple of weeks I'm expecting to make strong progress on the mod and have it in a very decent position by end of November so will give me time to apply finishing touches and hopefully end up with a well polished game to hand in for my assignment.

The last module Intro to 3d is probably the one I'm finding most difficult to get to grips with, I can see why it was said this is the module which involves in my opinion the most coding ability and skills to get working. I'm getting there though and have a working wire frame model now in place (after some very long, frustrating hours of debugging to spot a couple of hidden errors in underlying code down in matrix and vector classes) but its good to now be confident all the underlying code in the camera, matrix, vector and loader classes work and any future problems I come across will now likely be with the new code I add to it so should mean less debugging to find errors in the future

This weeks 3d tutorial saw work on lighting and improving the way the object is drawn on the screen, all the parts I've kind of got semi finished at the moment as come across parts I'm not sure of how to do but hopefully over next couple of days should be able to get these problems sorted and then I'll be in a strong position again, it looks as if Intro3d is the one module can't afford to get caught behind on as catching up would be difficult so I really want to keep on top of it.

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